


Do you want to make the shift from selling energy to customer centric services? If your end-point towards your customers is the meter you probable need more data, and not the least a solution that automatically can act on that data and control remotely.

You are probably already working with Demand Response. Still you might lack a solution to connect residential homes, consuming 38% of all energy in the world.


Investments in automotive test rigs are expensive and a manually time consuming process. Have you every dreamt of running all test through a computer and being able to reproduce test? With a software controllable test equipment, down to each relay, you will runs your tests more accurate and faster.


We understood you might have a problem with inrush currents from LED lamps. With our digital device we can handle inrush currents by software programming, breaking within 250 nanoseconds and soft start the light.


For home owners, the digital circuit breaker opens up a wide range of smart home services.

Using the traditional DIN-format, a global de facto standard, the BL!XT breaker can retrofit towards all fuse boxes in the world.

New services and applications, such as thermostat controls, smart EV charging or energy storage management are simply released by over-the-air (OTA) software updates.


While cost for solar panels have decreased significantly over the past years, inverters are still expensive. In addition they are quite large devices, which makes them unsuitable to attach directly to smaller panels.

BL!XT inverters can handle both AC and DC the efficiency will be at least as high as market competition – but significantly cheaper and smaller in size.


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