Highway to Hell
Sorry, couldn’t refuse the title. But it fits so well; AC/DC and kind of automotive related. While we have talked a lot about use cases for BL!XT in the energy efficiency field, we have barely mentioned the mobility space. Did you know that a modern mid-range vehicle, electric or not, has considerably more than 1.5 km of cable installed and contains between 1500 to 5000 circuits? Each one of these circuits needs a fuse or circuit breaker that sits idle most of the time and suffer from wear and tear. One idea we have is to integrate the Blixt Breaker into the into the ECU which would make wiring a lot quicker and less complicated. Instead of wiring through individual breakers, switches or relays, just go directly from the ECU to the load! And, on top of having a much more secure circuit breaker (1000x faster) you can collect detailed information about each individual circuit, and get full control of your electrical system. Something to think about. Check out the video for BL!XT mobility play explained in 3 min.
Aspiring BL!XT groupie.