Achieve climate goals with LVDC safety

Amid the critical battle against climate change, Low Voltage Direct Current (LVDC), championed by the IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission), surfaces as a powerful solution with immense climate-saving potential. BL!XT is at the forefront of LVDC technology offering a Solid State Circuit Breaker (SSCB) to ensure the safety of LVDC installations.

1. Climate-Friendly Efficiency
LVDC’s remarkable efficiency minimizes energy losses by using direct current, eliminating the need for multiple conversions typical in alternating current systems. This results in less energy consumption and a significantly reduced carbon footprint.

2. Renewable Energy Integration
LVDC seamlessly integrates with renewable energy sources like solar panels and wind turbines, making it a key player in reducing reliance on fossil fuels and supporting sustainable energy growth.

3. Enhanced Safety
Our Blixt Zero SSCB plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety of LVDC installations. By actively monitoring and managing LVDC systems, as well as meeting up to the safety standards for DC, the Blixt Zero minimizes risks, making LVDC a safe and sustainable choice.

“In a nutshell, LVDC isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a powerful tool for climate action, made safer and more efficient with our SSCB. With its efficiency, integration with renewables, and enhanced safety measures, LVDC offers a sustainable and green path forward, underscored by the IEC’s support for a cleaner, more eco-conscious future”, says Jens Schroer CTO and Co-Founder of BLIXT.


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