Press release: Industry leaders sign up for Blixt’s Early Access Program

Press release, February 26, 2021

Kista, Sweden

The first batch of Blixt’s new miniature solid state circuit breaker sold out in a few weeks. The company has now opened up for pre-orders of certified products available later this year.

Today’s electrical distribution and safety are still governed by mechanical switches and circuit breakers that have not changed in over a century. These archaic components are no longer fit to meet the needs of our moderns society.  While Blixt’s new solid state circuit breakers meet the requirements for existing circuit breakers, they also enable full software control of electricity and open up a world for real time software services.

Replacing the mechanical circuit breakers with full electronic,  smart, connected devices is a game changer for multiple industries and facilitates the shift towards electrification across many areas like transportation, industrial sites or in buildings, while at the same time preparing the distribution infrastructure for the shift from AC to DC.

The value of this new digital infrastructure has been recognized by industry leading OEMs across the world and many of them have already signed up for Blixt’s Early Access Program, providing access to the Blixt Zero engineering samples.

“Since our strategy is to become a fabless company and provide our hardware and designs to OEMs, we see this as a first step towards a long-term collaboration.” says Jens Peter Schroer, CTO and co-founder of Blixt.

The Swedish based startup is for sure keeping their hands busy. Besides the ongoing certification process of the Blixt Zero, the final step before market launch, the company is working on a new technology for voltage conversion and battery systems.

“While the Blixt Zero enables software control of the current flow, the X-Verter® provides software based voltage control and conversion. Trying to not be too technical, but the best way to describe the X-Verter® is that it combines the modularity of modular multilevel converters (MMC), with the flexibility of next generation reconfigurable battery system (RBS), and the advantages of solid-state transformers (SST).” says Jens Peter Schroer.

The Blixt Zero Early Access Program is already sold out, but the company has just opened up for pre-orders of the commercially ready and certified products available in Q2 2021.

About Blixt Tech AB

Blixt’s mission is to enable full software control of electricity, using solid state technology. The first two innovations, developed solely by Blixt, embrace both current and voltage control. The company holds 25 patent applications in the field of solid state circuit breakers, voltage conversion and battery technology. Blixt’s was founded in Sweden in 2018 and has recieved multiple industry awards for its innovations.


Jens Peter Schroer, Co-Founder and CTO


Phone: +46 (0)72 700 01 72


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